Doctoral Examination Training for iRTG CRC 1116 & IRTG 1902

Doctoral Examination Training for iRTG CRC 1116 & IRTG 1902

Dr. Christian Dumpitak, iGRAD, HHU
Date: Please choose your preferred date!
Venue: iGRAD seminar room 33, building 25.13 U1
Language: English/German
Participants: 12 (doctoral researchers)
Various factors may have an influence on the impact and success of your doctorate research presentation. Based on 2-3 exemplary doctorate research presentation doctoral examination will be simulated including talk and discussion. Topics are:
- Target oriented preparation of talk
- Analysis of target group
- Possible expectations of examiners
- Strategies to prepare discussion
- Important aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication in examination situations

One or two participants are kindly asked to bring their doctorate presentation of her/his scientific research project (e.g. power point/pdf file) to the workshop.